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While no one can be sure exactly what questions will appear on the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) Certification and ABIM Maintenance of Certification (MOC) exams or the ABIM Longitudinal Knowledge Assessment (LKA™), the ABIM does provide blueprints of assessment content. These blueprints contain a list of the categories of medicine, along with percentages, so that you can see approximately how much of the assessment is devoted to each medical content category. Each year, the ABIM reviews and modifies the blueprint to keep it current.
AMBOSS NEJM Knowledge+ Internal Medicine Board Review is carefully mapped to the ABIM blueprints, so the breakdown of subspecialties and topics covered in our question bank and practice exams mirrors those found on a typical ABIM assessment.
Plus, we have expanded upon the ABIM blueprint to guarantee a representative balance of questions that
This means that AMBOSS NEJM Knowledge+ Internal Medicine Board Review represents a comprehensive survey of internal medicine. And like the board exam and LKA™, it focuses on the clinical scenarios most relevant to primary care and hospital medicine. As a result, you can approach your assessment feeling prepared.
The complete lists of all ABIM assessments and their blueprints can be found below:
To gain an idea of what you can expect to see on the ABIM certification and recertification exams or the LKA™, below is the breakdown of content from the blueprint for initial ABIM certification. (The content allocation for Maintenance of Certification or MOC varies slightly.)
The ABIM blueprints provide you with an outline of what to study as you prepare for your ABIM certification or recertification assessment. Since NEJM Knowledge+ Internal Medicine Board Review is not only mapped to the blueprints but also uses adaptive learning technology, it prevents you from wasting energy on your areas of strength and zeroes in on the ones you need to review, allowing you to maximize your valuable time.
Click here to learn more about how NEJM Knowledge+ Internal Medicine Board Review helps you prepare for your assessment, earn CME credits and MOC points, and enhance your practice of internal medicine.