Clinical calculators in AMBOSS

Calculate scores right away with QxMD in AMBOSS

The perfect match: AMBOSS has partnered with QxMD. Get to clinical calculators directly within the articles you’re referencing.

Computer showing the calculator for Pneuomonia Risk

Save time and reduce errors with clinical calculators

Find the right clinical score right when you need it

Spend less time searching and more time with your patients

Discover when a clinical score is indicated

Guidelines change — we help you keep up

Calculate with greater accuracy

Don’t let a decimal point stand between you and great patient care
Calculator of the Pneumonia Risk

If it’s in AMBOSS it’s QxMD

One source and format for you to rely on. Save precious time by calculating while still in the platform

How clinical calculators work in AMBOSS

  1. Search for condition or disease
  2. Head to the treatment or management section
  3. See if a clinical score is indicated
  4. Open QxMD calculator and calculate
  5. Follow recommended treatment plan
Calculator screen  flow from disease to QxMD calculator

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