ABP Exam Content Outline/Blueprint

You can’t predict which specific questions will appear on the General Pediatrics Certifying Examination, but the American Board of Pediatrics (ABP) provides a content outline, or blueprint, of information you can expect to be covered on the exam.

AMBOSS NEJM Knowledge+ Pediatrics Board Review content is designed to reflect the ABP exam blueprint. Because our system adapts to you, NEJM Knowledge+ will help you focus on the blueprint areas where you need the most review, providing efficient, effective preparation for the ABP exam.

The NEJM Knowledge+ Pediatric Board Review content areas are as follows:

The items in the NEJM Knowledge+ Pediatrics question bank reflect pediatrics practice across the following key dimensions:

  • Prevention, screening, evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment
  • Ambulatory clinic and hospital-based care
  • Chronic, subacute, acute, and emergency cases
  • Various patient characteristics, including age and gender
  • ACGME core competencies

NEJM Knowledge+ represents a comprehensive survey of pediatric medicine. And like the board exam, NEJM Knowledge+ focuses on the clinical scenarios most relevant to general pediatrics, allowing you to approach the exam with confidence.

ABP Certification/Recertification Examination Blueprint

The ABP blueprint lists the categories of pediatric medicine that will appear on all three ABP general pediatrics exams (initial certification, MOC, and in-training) and shows you approximately how much of the exam content is devoted to each topic. The current blueprint is effective as of October 15, 2024, and determines exam content until further notice.

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ABP Blueprint (effective from August 31, 2017) for GP examinations*
Content Domain Exam Weight
Preventative Pediatrics/ Well-Child Care 12%
Fetal and Neonatal Care 4%
Adolescent Care 5%
Infectious Diseases 7%
Mental and Behavioral Health 6%
Psychosocial Issues 3%
Emergency and Critical Care 4%
Child Abuse and Neglect 3%
Orthopedics and Sports Medicine 4%
Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat 6%
Cardiology 5%
Pulmonology 5%
Gastroenterology 5%
Neurology 4%
Skin/Dermatology 4%
Hematology-Oncology 3%
Allergy and Immunology 3%
Endocrinology 3%
Nephrology, Fluids, and Electrolytes 3%
Genitourinary System 3%
Genetics, Dysmorphology, and Metabolic Disorders 2%
Rheumatology 2%
Ethics 2%
Patient Safety, Quality Improvement, and Research Methods 2%
Total 100%

*Please note that the weights reflect the content of a typical exam and are approximate; actual content may vary.

Universal Task Categories

The American Board of Pediatrics (ABP) General Pediatrics exam includes four Universal Task categories, ensuring the clinical relevance of its questions and the comprehensive assessment of pediatric knowledge.

1. Physiology & Pathophysiology

Understand both normal and abnormal pediatric functions, covering key aspects of physiology and pathophysiology in an age-specific developmental context.

2. Epidemiology & Risk Assessment

Identify health and disease patterns in children, and assess the risk factors impacting those patterns.

3. Diagnosis

Use patient history, physical examination findings, and diagnostic tests to develop differential diagnoses and determine the best course for diagnosis.

4. Management & Treatment

Create effective management plans, considering best practices, long-term follow-up, and adherence to clinical guidelines.

Note: Not all exam questions fall into these Universal Task categories, as some topics lie outside this classification.

For more information, visit the ABP website.